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Net acceleration in rotational motion is sqrt(at^2+ac^2)$ \sqrt{a_t^2+a_c^2}$ (at$a_t$ and ac$a_c$ are tangential and centripetal acceleration respectively) why isnt. Why isn't angular acceleration also considered?

Net acceleration in rotational motion is sqrt(at^2+ac^2) (at and ac are tangential and centripetal acceleration) why isnt angular acceleration also considered?

Net acceleration in rotational motion is $ \sqrt{a_t^2+a_c^2}$ ($a_t$ and $a_c$ are tangential and centripetal acceleration respectively). Why isn't angular acceleration also considered?

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Net acceleration in rotational motion

Net acceleration in rotational motion is sqrt(at^2+ac^2) (at and ac are tangential and centripetal acceleration) why isnt angular acceleration also considered?