When we derive Euler-Lagrange equations in classical mechanics following the LagrangeLagrangian approach we introduce Boundary conditions at the starting- and ending pointsend-points of the path in the configuration space. Usually,though not necessarily, one admitsrequires that q(t_initial)=q(t_final)=0$q(t_{initial})=q(t_{final})=0$. But the standard problem in classical mechanics is rather to instead assume Initial (not Boundary) conditions, in practice it is assumed as knownthat the initial position q(t_initial)$q(t_{initial})$ and initial velocity q'(t_initial)$q'(t_{initial})$ are known. Is
Is there any way to modify the Lagrangian such asthat the optimizationextremisation of the Action would yield along with the Euler-Lagrange equations together with the above mentioned Initial conditions?