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What is the difference between intermolecular (cohesive,adhesive adhesive) and van der wallsWaals force?

I recently studieslearnt that intermolecular force is the force of attraction between molecules and van der wallWaals force does the same so is there any difference ?

What is the difference between intermolecular (cohesive,adhesive) and van der walls force?

I recently studies that intermolecular is the force of attraction between molecules and van der wall force does the same so is there any difference ?

What is the difference between intermolecular (cohesive, adhesive) and van der Waals force?

I recently learnt that intermolecular force is the force of attraction between molecules and van der Waals force does the same so is there any difference ?

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What is the difference between intermolecular (cohesive,adhesive) and van der walls force?

I recently studies that intermolecular is the force of attraction between molecules and van der wall force does the same so is there any difference ?