If you think about the car scenario, there are two possible scenarios.
The turn is very small, friction will provide enough centripetal force which is equal to centrifugal force (outward force) and you will stay still.
The turn has a high curvature. Then the friction will not be enough to match the centrifugal force which pulls you out. That's why you will get some support from car interior or you will hold the from seat to avoid you pulling out. With that extra force, you make centripetal force equal to the centrifugal force.
It is a pseudo force because it will be only felt by the objects which are in the same inertial reference frame.
Similarly in above scenario, if you are inside the car you will feel the centrifugal force (Because you are now in the inertialrotating reference frame of the car).
But if you are outside the car you will feel nothing.