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Apr 29 at 1:16 comment added Roghan Arun @Ron Maimon But what happens to the energy of the black hole when the event horizons merge?For a planet, all the planet particles are getting ejected but the mass of the planet exists as its particles and may even get more massive if it is made up of some kind of spring kind of object so may be able to escape Big Rip for some time by compensating with an elastic force. So what happens to the gravitational energy inside the black hole, does it just stop existing?
Aug 3, 2012 at 18:33 comment added Alan Rominger I think my brain just exploded.
Aug 3, 2012 at 18:33 vote accept Alan Rominger
Aug 3, 2012 at 18:28 history answered Ron Maimon CC BY-SA 3.0