Wave propagation is governed by wave equations which only depend onneeds the local characteristics of the propagation medium. This is partly proposedexplained by HuygensHuygen's Law. So,If you can control the local properties of the medium in which inthen waves could prefer some directions which you would observe higher amplitude of wavesamplitudes. This states thatis how antennas work. So in short, wave amplitudes can havevary spatially. You can use acoustical "antennas" to direct sound waves towards you.
Back to your question; you would like to pull the waves to you ear...
- so that you can have larger amplitudes than expected. The answer is you can notcannot pull waves. You must change the propagating medium to to do that.
- so that you can have stronger bass (low pass signal). This could be possible only if you can filter out the high frequencies. Placing a marble plate in between or some other measure might work to attenuate the higher frequencies, relatively increasing bass only relative to higher frequencies. But you cannot amplify But pulling sound waves, and amplifying absolute level of bass, not possible. Sorry.