Looking around it appears that bricks, through history, have been constructed in cuboid form i.e. with six faces at right-angles to each other. This is also apparently the case with stone construction too - six-sided volumes.
Is the cuboid form the most efficient form to bear load?
How do other form stack up?
EDIT: I would argue in favour of a shape such as a pyramid. It would take more effort to fabricate & work. But it may also be better able to bear load - perhaps because of the way the edges dovetail.
Does the cuboid form continue merely because of the psychological inertia that the term 'brick' induces the impression of a cuboid or near cuboid (as in ingots) form, and because the cuboid form is the easiest to grip/position by the mason/robot?
Why are bricks typically constructed to have six faces at, or near right-angles to each the other?