The cosmic rays consist of all sorts of particles ranging from heavy protons to little to no mass neutrinos. There are trillions of trillions of neutrinos passing through the earth at any given time. While the proton, neutrons and other 'very social' particles get trapped by the many layers of the crust, these hermit neutrinos can stream through the matter unaffected (as a matter of fact, many light years of steel across). Neutrinos are extremely light and feebly interact with the matter. We humans have already built detectors capable of detecting neutrinos despite the fact that the neutrinos are not social beings. Apart from catching the stray neutrinos in the cosmic rays, we have managed to detect neutrinos produced by smashing particles in accelerators.
Producing neutrinos is relatively easier than detecting neutrinos. Smashing protons against a target will produce manya beam of new particles. This is a very diverse beam of particles consisting of heavy and light, charged and uncharged (neutrons, protons, electrons, pions, neutrinos and what not). Some of these particles such as protons are unwanted particles which must be separated while some particles are useful such as pions which decay tointo muons and electrons producing neutrinos as side products.