There is no restriction other than $c_s<c$. Relativistic plasmas and fluids explore this regime. A weakly coupled quark gluon plasma has $c_s=c/\sqrt{3}$. Even higher speeds are reached in neutron stars, see Is the speed of sound almost as high as the speed of light in neutron stars?Is the speed of sound almost as high as the speed of light in neutron stars? .
The speed of sound is related to the adiabatic compressibility $$ c_s^2 = \left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial \rho}\right)_s \, . $$ This quantity also enters the neutron structure via the TOV equation. It constrains, in particular, the maximum mass and the mass-radius relation. The recent observation of a 2-solar mass neutron star implies that $c_s$ becomes quite large, certainly bigger than $0.5c$.
Adendum: See here for a more quantitative analysis based on the existence of a 2 M(solar) neutron star, and equ.(10) of this paper for a theoretical limit in which we can shows that $c_s\to c$.