Wikipedia states that
The high frequency response of vinyl depends on the cartridge. CD4 records contained frequencies up to 50 kHz, while some high-end turntable cartridges have frequency responses of 120 kHz while having flat frequency response over the audible band (e.g. 20 Hz to 15 kHz +/-0.3 dB).[5] In addition, frequencies of up to 122 kHz have been experimentally cut on LP records.[6]
so the answer seems "Yes, it is possible", though some non-standard technology might be required. (Ref. [5] refers to the "Technics EPC-100CMK4" cartridge, which apparently has a frequency response of 5 Hz- 120,000 Hz,
20 Hz- 20,000 Hz +,- 0.3 db
15 Hz- 80,000 Hz +,- 3 db