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Why How can light emit three kinds of spectra?

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Why doescan light emit in three kinds of spectral waysspectra?

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Why does light emitsemit in three kinds of spectral ways?

In case of black body radiations black-body radiation, radiations giveradiation gives continuous spectra  . Molecular spectra is an example of band spectra  . Similarly, there's also the atomic spectra  . Why are the spectra of light is not same in all cases  ?

Why light emits in three kinds of spectral ways?

In case of black body radiations , radiations give continuous spectra  . Molecular spectra is an example of band spectra  . Similarly there's also the atomic spectra  . Why the spectra of light is not same in all cases  ?

Why does light emit in three kinds of spectral ways?

In case of black-body radiation, radiation gives continuous spectra. Molecular spectra is an example of band spectra. Similarly, there's also the atomic spectra. Why are the spectra of light not same in all cases?

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