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In the same way as the origin of X rays is the excitation of electrons  , what is the origin of radio and infrared radiations in this respect  ?

In the same way as the origin of X rays is the excitation of electrons  , what is the origin of radio and infrared radiations in this respect  ?

In the same way as the origin of X rays is the excitation of electrons, what is the origin of radio and infrared radiations in this respect?

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SuchIn the same way as the origin of X rays is the Exitationexcitation of electrons , Whatwhat is the origin of Radioradio and infrared radiations in this respect ?

Such as the origin of X rays is the Exitation of electrons , What is the origin of Radio and infrared radiations in this respect ?

In the same way as the origin of X rays is the excitation of electrons , what is the origin of radio and infrared radiations in this respect ?

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Origin of radio waves

Such as the origin of X rays is the Exitation of electrons , What is the origin of Radio and infrared radiations in this respect ?