I've taught a few classes on stellar evolution and stellar modelling, and here are some of the resources I've recommended there. These all lean on the theoretical stellar structure side, rather than observational characteristics of certain types of star and so on.
Free lecture notes
Both these sets of lecture notes are quite thorough, and at least cover the main components of any standard course in stellar structure and evolution. They're pitched at about the level I'd expect for a first course in stellar physics. Whether that be in third or fifth year doesn't really matter, as long as enough of the basic underlying physics (black body radiation, nuclear reactions, gravity, etc.) is known. I particularly like Pols' notes because of the high-quality figures (especially Kippenhahn diagrams) throughout.
Introductory books
This book is also pitched at about the same level as the notes above, but it perhaps a little bit more thorough. I've only glanced through it once, and it seemed to be similar to the notes above, but another perspective is always healthy.
Reference books
Kippenhahn & Weigert is my go-to reference for anything on stellar physics. It's something of a tome, and I don't think it lends itself well to a first course in stellar physics. But it serves as an excellent reference if you want to see more detail during such a course or subsequently in research.
Cox & Giuli is similar, in the sense of being an excellent reference text. I haven't been through as much of it as K&W, but several chapters that I have (e.g. convection) are very useful, especially from the practical point of view of actually having to compute models.
To be honest, the main reason I think I use K&W more often is because my library grants me access to a digital copy, which I can search more easily than C&G!
Many other texts exist, but I'm less familiar with them. Some address other specific cases. Maeder & Meynet (2009) specifically covers rotating stars, though the chapters on non-rotating stars are sufficient to be their own smaller book. Shapiro & Teukolsky (1983) covers the compact remnants of stars: black holes, white dwarfs and neutron stars (the name of the book). Though it's not really my area, I think it's a fairly definitive (though maybe now a bit old) text.