After reading some fundamental mathematics and physics or better to say becoming a sophomore you can start reading these books but absolutely some topics need more than fundamental mathematics and physics.
Fundamentals of Photonics (Bahaa Saleh, Malvin Teich): This book provides an introduction to the fundamentals of photonics.
Fundamentals of Photonics (Chandrasekhar Roychoudhuri): This book is designed for first- and second-year college students, but it is also suitable for both traditional and non-traditional students interested in learning the basics.
Elements of Photonics Vol. 1 & 2 (Keigo Iizuka): Elements of Photonics is comprised of two volumes. Even though cohesiveness between the two volumes is maintained, each volume can be used as a stand-alone textbook.
Photonics Vol. 1, 2 ,3 & 4] (David L. Andrews): A complete and rather detailed discussion in photonics.
Photonics and Lasers (Richard S. Quimby): An introduction to photonics and lasers that does not rely on complex mathematics.
Photonic Signal Processing (Le Nguyen Binh): This book was written to address the emerging techniques of processing and manipulating of signals propagating in an optical domain.
Photonics Rules of Thumb (Ed Friedman, John Lester Miller): This reference book is a handy compilation of 300 cost-saving, think-on-your-feet photonics rules of thumb designed to save hours of design time.
The Handbook of Photonics (Mool C. Gupta, John Ballato): The book covers photonics materials, devices, and systems, respectively. An introductory chapter, new to this edition, provides an overview of photonics technology, innovation, and economic development.