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Can mathematics (including statistics, dynamical systems,...) combined with classical electromagnetism (using only the constants appearing in chargefree maxwellMaxwell equations) be used to derive the planck constantPlanck constant? Can it be proven that planck'sPlanck's constant is truelytruly a new physical constant?

Can mathematics (including statistics, dynamical systems,...) combined with classical electromagnetism (using only the constants appearing in chargefree maxwell equations) be used to derive the planck constant? Can it be proven that planck's constant is truely a new physical constant?

Can mathematics (including statistics, dynamical systems,...) combined with classical electromagnetism (using only the constants appearing in chargefree Maxwell equations) be used to derive the Planck constant? Can it be proven that Planck's constant is truly a new physical constant?

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Mark Eichenlaub
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Can plancksPlanck's constant be derived from maxwellsMaxwell's equations?

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Can plancks constant be derived from maxwells equations?

Can mathematics (including statistics, dynamical systems,...) combined with classical electromagnetism (using only the constants appearing in chargefree maxwell equations) be used to derive the planck constant? Can it be proven that planck's constant is truely a new physical constant?