First, you have system with some joulesenergy, named $U$ by physicists. Some You think you have all the information you need to characterize the system but then some guy comecomes near and saysays:
-- Whoa it is "Whoa, that's bad coz, the volume of your system can change."
You say:
-- np "No problem, dude we just add here $pV$. Our new energy is $H=U+pV$."
-- But "But hey, your" they say, "your temperature can change by external heat, you have to count that into also."
-- np "No problem, we dropsubtract $TS$ from our energy, and rename it. $G=U+pV-TS$"
HereThere you are.
People name it "available" energy, because if your system increaseincreases in size, it creates work.: $V$ increaseincreases, so $U$ can decreasedecreases. But energy is always have some limits to going downbounded from below. When you drain everything you can, your system goes intoto $G=0$.
You cannot drain all $U$ because you would need eternalan external system with $T=0$.