I was reading an answer about torque acting on a rectangular current carrying loop kept in a uniform magnitude field B. Force acting on each sides is F1$F_1$, F2$F_2$, F3$F_3$, F4$F_4$. It's written here : Force F2$F_2$, F4$F_4$ acting on these sides has same magnitude F` = Blb sin(90-theta) = Blb costheta$F' = Blb \sin(90-\theta) = Blb \cos\theta$. And F1$F1$ and F3$F3$, have F=IlB sin90° = IlB$F=IlB\sin90° = IlB$.
(where l=length; b=breadth$l$=length; $b$=breadth) I understand F1and F3$F_1$ and $F_3$. But I dontdon't get how the magnitude of forces of F2$F_2$, F4$F_4$ become Blb costheta$Blb \cos\theta$ . Which law says that? Am i missing some knowledge?
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