I'm asking this to get yet another lesssonlesson in the inability of QFT and GR to cohabit. Many people believe GR must yield to quantization. The question here is as to why the activity of the vacuum cannot be imagined as having some sort of baseline and the gravitational force having some origin in this baseline. And, of course then, that there could exist variations from this baseline on a more fundamental level than the wavelike disturbances of QFT. The variations I intend may have to do with types of virtual particle-antiparticle pair eruptions favored at a particular location, tendency toward shorter or longer lifespans of such events, etc.
Is it just that it is impossible to say anything meaningful about gradings in the living vacuum, and that such hypothetical gradings, however dynamically conjured, could not ever come to minicmimic aspects of a GR like picture?...due to subtle stuff like violation of basic physical principles and such.