It doesn't slow light but it does bend it and I have a hypothesis that it does so because it's "faster" than light----sort of. Think of a black hole where light emitted from its center would b pulled back down into it.
If u tie two toy jets with the same mass together in zero gravity n they pull apart at the same speed they'd move nowhere. Now if jet A travels just a meter/s faster jet b will begin to change its trajectory as it's now being pulled in the opposite direction.
Of course I could b wrong seeing as I know absolutely d*ck about physics but thinking about the laws of force here it seems gravity can reach speeds higher than c relative to its quantity.
This form can only be applied if u think of gravity as a wave like light. Now if u think of it as a force (which seems a lil more common sense[ish]) then gravity isn't faster than light but a force strong enough to disrupt an object with such a speed. But again, as force is directly relatable to speed one can argue the force behind gravity can pull faster than the speed of light given a big enough quantity of gravity (of course in this case mass and other variables must be factored in).
Again I kno d!ck about physics so this is purely abstract thought but u gotta admit it makes (common) sense as an abstract thought, no?
-my edit- Lol I said it was jus an abstract thgt I'm just getting to learn physics ease up on me fellas u all had to learn at the beginning too. Yes @Kyle thanks for the correction "directly related to acceleration" and also as u said it moves at the speed of light and I read this a few days back
BUT! I'm still curious if the quantity (by quantity I mean the strength of gravity, I just like quantity better it starts w/ a Q) is relevant because velocity required to escape gets lower the farther u get from the center of anything because gravity's pull is weaker right? Well could it be the event horizon is where there's just enough gravity to reach just over the speed of light I mean c<√(2GM/R) can be true so y couldn't gravity be traveling faster than the light? Just what I c in the equations if I'm wrong it's cool I'm open to learn.
And yes light travels through the vacuum of space which is the space time medium from my understanding. Also I'm there w/ u I can't fathom light being trapped unless it's speed was matched or beaten as in the example of jets A and B. If at the same speed they're "trapped" and won't move and if A speeds exceeded B's then B gets pulled. Seems like some kind of BASIC physics but honestly idk any equations that will prove so for Anna's sake I'll stop it there lol.