(add my comments as an answer)
Many physicists have argued (succesfuly?) about this. Now the concept (and content) of conventional force can be discussed, the fact remains that entropy in one eayway or another is there and one can formulate the formalism around this (or even beyond..).
A similar (and related?) concept is that of an inertial force (and inertia itself). There are many interesting connections between these concepts and their interplay (previous link on entropic forces has some links in this direction also).
For example using concepts from information geometry and (and maximum entropy)maximum entropy, Newtonian dynamics can be produced (or emerge if you like)
At the end of the day it can be around what one whould like to call fundamental (or more correctly "assigned") force or property..
There is in fact a literature on using concepts of emergent phenomena in physics (especially lately)
Finaly one should take account of phenomena (e.g like the Aharonov-Bohm effect), which are not "assigned" in the conventional sense (the potential is not observable or assignable in this way)..