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(v3.1: dotting, crossing ...)
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This stat-phys thingstat-phys thing (cluster expansion) and that qft thingqft thing (cluster decomposition) are related by both referring to the notion of cluster, being "a small group or bunch of something.";

  • the former referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "group" of some particular (small, or large) number of members,
    with particular and primary attention given to pairwise membership (thus not including clusters in the degenerate sense of having only one member),

  • the latter referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "bunch" of members that are coincident,
    thereby characterzingcharacterizing pairs of members of distinct bunches as not coincident (and including the notion of a bunch in the degenerate sense of having only one member).

(More might be said, 'cause that's really my kinda bag ...)

This stat-phys thing (cluster expansion) and that qft thing (cluster decomposition) are related by both referring to the notion of cluster, being "a small group or bunch of something.";

  • the former referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "group" of some particular (small, or large) number of members,
    with particular and primary attention given to pairwise membership (thus not including clusters in the degenerate sense of having only one member),

  • the latter referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "bunch" of members that are coincident,
    thereby characterzing pairs of members of distinct bunches as not coincident (and including the notion of a bunch in the degenerate sense of having only one member).

(More might be said, 'cause that's really my kinda bag ...)

This stat-phys thing (cluster expansion) and that qft thing (cluster decomposition) are related by both referring to the notion of cluster, being "a small group or bunch of something.";

  • the former referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "group" of some particular (small, or large) number of members,
    with particular and primary attention given to pairwise membership (thus not including clusters in the degenerate sense of having only one member),

  • the latter referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "bunch" of members that are coincident,
    thereby characterizing pairs of members of distinct bunches as not coincident (and including the notion of a bunch in the degenerate sense of having only one member).

(More might be said, 'cause that's really my kinda bag ...)

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This stat-phys thing (cluster expansion) and that qft thing (cluster decomposition) are related by both referring to the notion of cluster, being "a small group or bunch of something.";

  • the former referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "group" of some particular (small, or large) number of members,
    with particular and primary attention given to pairwise membership (thus not including clusters in the degenerate sense of having only one member),

  • the latter referring rather to cluster in the sense of a "bunch" of members that are coincident,
    thereby characterzing pairs of members of distinct bunches as not coincident (and including the notion of a bunch in the degenerate sense of having only one member).

(More might be said, 'cause that's really my kinda bag ...)