Life means freedom and freedom means laws can be broken.
The exact meaning of life is debatable, but it has more to do with structures that reproduce themselves.
You seem more concerned with consciousness. That is the domain of metaphysics, since we have no idea what consciousness is.
To be sure, psychology is the study of the mind, how it operates, and the rules it follows. This is a real science with statistically valid results, but it's not what we discuss here.
If the laws can never be broken (including physical laws), there is no freedom, no life and no consciousness. Everything is completely static and the time dimension a mere decoration.
For deterministic laws, yes. However, the current prevailing theory of (quantum) physics is not deterministic. At smaller and smaller scales, more and more is left to chance. Also, nothing is ever 100% certain.
We cannot predict human behavior, and we can set some bounds on how bad the best prediction could ever be. Physicists do not have the hubris to claim to do any better. (Anyone claiming to have a physical theory of mind, or cutting-edge metaphysics, is a quack.) What more can you ask for?