It is false in Newtonian physics just referring to the standard situation of systems of points, interacting with conservative forces only depending on relative distances.
Consider the so-called boost vector, $${\bf k}:= t{\bf p} - M {\bf x}_G\:,$$ where $M$ is the total mass of the system and ${\bf x}_G$ the position of the centre of mass. This quantity is conserved, is additive and it is not a function of the remaining constants of motions you mentioned.
For an isolated system $\frac{d{\bf p}}{dt}=0$, hence: $$\frac{d}{dt}(t{\bf p} - M {\bf x}_G)= {\bf p}-M \frac{d{\bf x}_G}{dt} =0\:.$$
All that is consequence of Noether theorem. Galileo's group has $10$ generators and they correspond to $10$ scalar conserved quantities long the evolution of an isolated system. They are the energy, the three components of the momentum,the three components angular momentum and the three components of the boost.
ADDENDUM. Notice that the boost is a function of the positions of the $n$ points, of the system and their momenta, but it is also a function of time in view of the factor $t$ in front of the total momentum:
$${\bf k} = {\bf k}(t, {\bf x}_1,\ldots, {\bf x}_n, {\bf p}_1, \ldots, {\bf p}_n )\:.$$
$${\bf k} = t \sum_{k=1}^n {\bf p}_k - \sum_{k=1}^n m_k {\bf x}_k\:.$$
However, when evaluated on a motion of the system: $${\bf x}_i = {\bf x}_i(t)\:,\quad {\bf p}_i = {\bf p}_i(t)$$ it turns out to be a constant: $$\frac{d}{dt} {\bf k}(t, {\bf x}_1(t),\ldots, {\bf x}_n(t), {\bf p}_1(t), \ldots, {\bf p}_n(t) )=0$$ This is the definition of constant of motion.