Why is superdeterminism generally regarded as a joke?
My personal (somewhat facetious) answer to that would be because people lack imagination. I don't think of superdeterminism in terms of conspiracies, but rather retrocausality, and do not find it ridiculous if phrased this way.
Basically, I don't believe there's really something like a physically significant arrow of time - just an arrow of perception of time. Reality doesn't care how we subjectively experience time as somehow flowing from one moment to the next.
Some anecdotal evidence for this: First, relativistic theories are reparametrization-invariant - there isn't really a preferred notion of time. Then, there's the idea due to Stueckelberg and Feynman that anti-particles are basically just particles propagating backwards in time, or the time-symmectricsymmetric reformulation of electrodynamics. Also, there's the fact that in general relativity, we need to solve for a consistent space-time (which takes future 'boundary conditions' into account), with the aggravation that space-time might possibly have a non-trivial topology at the quantum level.
This is also the basic idea behiindbehind the (somewhat naive) transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics.