I am not a native speaker of English and still a high school student. So the explanations below may contain some errors or unclear parts.
When I am reading the Mechanics, I am also very confused about this paragraph. But, luckily, I finally found one explanation with clear and step-by-step derivations. The original explanation was posted in a Chinese Q&A community by an already deleted account. So, here, I will present this idea in English, in the hope to help other beginners just like me.
Firstly, from the Lagrangian Equation, we will have a system of simultaneous equation:
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
\frac{\partial L}{\partial q_1}-\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}t}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot q_{1}} = 0\\\cdot\\\cdot\\\cdot\\
\frac{\partial L}{\partial q_s}-\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}t}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot q_{s}} = 0
Then, we can write the left side as $g_i(q;\dot q ;\ddot q)$, this is because Lagrangian of a closed system only depends explicitly on the generalised coordinates and velocity.
[Here, the $q$ and $\dot q$ without superscript or subscript just represent the collection of $q_i$ or $\dot q_i$, $i.e.$ $g_i(q;\dot q ;\ddot q)$ $ = $ $g_i(q_1,...q_s,$$\dot q_1,...\dot q_s,$$\ddot q_1,...,\ddot q_s)$ ]
As a result, we can rewrite the system as
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
g_1(q;\dot q ;\ddot q) =0 \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
g_s(q;\dot q ;\ddot q) =0
Then we can treat $q$ and $\dot q$ as constants, and rewrite the system as a linear system of $\ddot q$.
[I think, mostly, we can separate the accelerations from each other as all the accelerations come from the $\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}t}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot q}$ terms. ]
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
R_{11}\ddot q_1 + R_{12}\ddot q_2 + ...+ R_{1s}\ddot q_s = K_1 \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
R_{s1}\ddot q_1 + R_{s2}\ddot q_2 + ...+ R_{ss}\ddot q_s = K_s
[$R_{ij}$ and $K_i$ are just some functions about $q$ and $\dot q$]
By some eliminations, we should be able to get
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
\ddot q_1 = Z_1 (q; \dot q) \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\ddot q_s = Z_s (q; \dot q)
[$Z_i$ are just some functions depends on $q$ and $\dot q$ ]
Now, before we manipulate the equations further more, we need to recall some mathematical tricks for solving the second-order differential equations. For example, in the simple harmonic motion, we have
a = -mx^2
we will not integrate it directly with time, instead, we integrate both sides with $\text{d}x$ as
a = \frac{\text{d}v}{\text{d}x} \frac{\text{d}x}{\text{d}t} = v\frac{\text{d}v}{\text{d}x}
Back to our question, we can apply the similar tricks.
\ddot q_i =\frac{\text{d}\dot q_i}{\text{d} q_1} \frac{\text{d}q_1}{\text{d}t} =\dot q_1\frac{\text{d}\dot q_i}{\text{d}q_1}
Thus, we can have
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
\dot q_1\frac{\text{d}\dot q_1}{\text{d}q_1} = Z_1 (q; \dot q) \\
\dot q_1\frac{\text{d}\dot q_2}{\text{d}q_1} = Z_2 (q; \dot q)
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\dot q_1\frac{\text{d}\dot q_s}{\text{d}q_1}= Z_s (q; \dot q)
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
{\text{d}\dot q_1} = \frac{Z_1 (q; \dot q)}{\dot q_1}{\text{d}q_1} \\
{\text{d}\dot q_2} = \frac{Z_2 (q; \dot q)}{\dot q_1}{\text{d}q_1}\\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
{\text{d}\dot q_s} = \frac{Z_s (q; \dot q)}{\dot q_1}{\text{d}q_1}
Then, we integrate both side,
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
\dot q_1 + A_1= M_1(q;\dot q) \\
\dot q_2 + A_2= M_2(q;\dot q)\\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\dot q_s + A_s= M_s(q;\dot q)
[$A_i$ are some arbitrary constants which, we will see, belong to the 2s-1 constants]
Now, similar to the argument above, we treat $q$ as constants. Here, I didn't find it very intuitive to assume that all $\dot q_i$ can be separated from each other. But for the sake of the argument, we just accept that we can solve the system into
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
\dot q_1 = N_1(q;A) \\
\dot q_2 = N_2(q;A)\\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\dot q_s = N_s(q;A)
[A represents the collection of $A_i$]
Then we do our math trick again, but, notice, we cannot apply it for the first equation
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
\dot q_1 = N_1(q;A) \\
\text dq_2 \dot q_1 = N_2(q;A)\text d q_1\\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\text dq_s \dot q_1 = N_s(q;A)\text d q_1
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
\dot q_1 = N_1(q;A) \\
\text dq_2 = \frac{N_2(q;A)}{ N_1(q;A)}\text d q_1\\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\text dq_s = \frac{N_s(q;A)}{ N_1(q;A)}\text d q_1
Then we can solve all the equations except the first one.
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
q_2 +B_2 = P_2(q;A)\\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
\cdot \\
q_s +B_s = P_s(q;A)
[$B_i$ are $s-1$ arbitrary constants which belong to the $2s-1$ constants at the end]
Again, by treating $q_1$ as a constant and solving the system, we can get
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} q_2 = Q_2(q_1;A;B)\\\cdot \\ \cdot \\\cdot \\q_s = Q_s(q_1;A;B)\end{array}\right.
Then how about the first equation regarding $\dot q_1$ ?
Let us try another approach for the equation.
& \, \,\,\,\,\,\,\, \frac{\text d q_1}{\text dt} = N_1(q,A)\\
&\Rightarrow t - t_0 = F(q,A)
Then adding this new equation to the system above,
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} F(q,A) = t-t_0\\ q_2 = Q_2(q_1;A;B)\\\cdot \\ \cdot \\\cdot \\ q_s = Q_s(q_1;A;B)\end{array}\right.
By assuming the system is solvable, we should get our final result, all the coordinate can be represented by
q_i = C_i(t-t_0; A;B)
Don't forget, A is the collection of $s$ arbitrary constants and B is the collection of $s-1$ arbitrary constants. Hence, in total, we can have only $2s-1$ arbitrary constants here.
In a nutshell, I think the reduction of 1 arbitrary constant here is just simply because we do no need to take time into considerations and we can find a nice relationship of $\text d t= f(q)\text d q_1 $.
Hope you find it helpful!