Questions tagged [technology]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Most sensitive device made by humans

I am not sure this question belongs on Physics SE, but I couldn't think of a better SE. My question is, what is the most sensitive device made by humans? Could it be LIGO, the gravitational wave ...
user107952's user avatar
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Femtosecond-Camera Update

Hopefully I've posted in the correct page. Honestly, I wasn't really sure where to post... Around 2012 or so, Ramesh Raskar gave a TED talk about a femtosecond-camera produced at MIT. It has a good ...
David Lalo's user avatar
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Superconductors and hoverboards

We know that superconductors are repelled by magnetic fields. The earth has a magnetic field of about $10^{-5}$ Tesla. I just want to know if it is possible to use this property of earth to make hover-...
Quark's user avatar
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Will it ever be possible to observe the cosmic neutrino background?

Is there any foreseeable technology which would facilitate the direct observation of the cosmic neutrino background? Would the ability to warp spacetime have any application here?
tbyrd's user avatar
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Ultra-strong nanocrystalline metal without transition to superplasticity

It is known that a decrease in the grain size of a polycrystalline metal to 1 micron is accompanied by an increase in its strength by several orders of magnitude (super-strength) almost to the ...
Ванек Огонек's user avatar
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Advanced wind electricity generation

Well, when it comes to electricity generation it is important to design units to be scalable enough. With wind turbines becoming popular nowadays it is very important. As you know, currently wind ...
PizzaBlogger's user avatar
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Which techniques to explore the stoichiometry of a thin film surface material?

I wonder what other technological approaches are feasible to get the ratio of elemental distribution in the surface near layer of a coated (silicon) wafer. The layer thickness will be from several ...
Markus Walther's user avatar
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Simple real life applications of Euler-Lagrange equations of motion

If you read some introductory mechanics text like David Morin's Introduction to Classical Mechanics about Euler Lagrange Equations you get a large amount of simple examples like the "moving plane" (...
Julia's user avatar
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