Questions tagged [color-charge]

The charge of the strong nuclear force is called "color". DO NOT USE THIS TAG for ordinary visible colors.

16 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How many antiquarks can be squeezed inside a nucleon without upsetting exclusion principle?

I read about a nucleon with 3 Strange quarks which clearly violates PEP, however this was soon resolved by introducing colour charges. Then I read about colour confinement where surplus energy can be ...
user6760's user avatar
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How do we show that gluon-fields have color?

I understand how to derive the QCD lagrangian based on certain assumptions about Quark fields and $SU(3)$ gauge invariance and in the final expression one finds the term $(A_µ)^c*T_c$ where $T_c$ is ...
Craig's user avatar
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Feriz rearrangement

For a tetraquark system $QQ\bar{Q}\bar{Q}$, with diquark-antiquark configuration, the color configuration can be $|6_{QQ}\otimes \bar{6}_{\bar{Q}\bar{Q}}\rangle_{1}$ or $|\bar{3}_{QQ}\otimes 3_{\bar{Q}...
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Bern-Carrasco-Johansson (BCJ) Double Copy and Color-Kinematic duality

According to the wikipedia page on Strong Gravity, the theory is considered "non-mainstream", but from what I can gather there have been some very interesting progress and results since it ...
lurscher's user avatar
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Colour-ordering formula of QCD amplitudes (tree-level)

I have been studying colour-ordered amplitudes and spinor helicity formalism for a while. It is now apparent to me that I do not fully understand the 'master' formula which allows us to relate the ...
dzejkob's user avatar
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From Reflection Spectrum to Preceived Color

I have a reflection curve over the visible spectrum (350nm to 700nm) of a sample. Now, I am interested to know what preceived color one would see ? Is it possible to go from the reflection spectrum ...
james's user avatar
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Understanding mathematical explanation for Chudakov Effect

I'm trying to better understand some properties of QCD and currently I'm looking into understanding color coherence. I've got the book "Elementary Particle Physics: Foundations of the Standard Model, ...
elemakil's user avatar
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Colour Factor in QCD Pair Annihilation

My question occurred when I was reading Introduction to Elementary Particles by David J. Griffiths. In chapter 8, part 8.5, he is calculating the colour factor of quark-antiquark annihilation. My ...
quantumology's user avatar
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What happens inside a proton?

This post contains 3 questions but they are very similar. I saw from this question What's inside a proton? and other websites that protons aren't really made up of three quarks, but a lot of ...
User9387425's user avatar
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Could we draw field lines for colour charge?

Electromagnetic charge can be represented with field lines. These are pleasingly intuitive and can be used to visualise Gauss's Law and Maxwell's Laws. Later on Gauss and Maxwell get rolled into a ...
Clumsy cat's user avatar
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Can non-color-neutral nucleons exist?

In a proton or neutron, one quark is red, another blue, and the last green, making it color neutral. Is it possible for a nucleon to consist of colors rgg, rbb, rrb, etc? If three quarks of such color ...
Ryan's user avatar
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What does conservation of color charge mean for mixed states in QCD?

In quantum chromodynamics, in an interaction in which a quark and an anti-quark exchange a gluon, the color charge must be conserved. When we are talking about base states like $r\bar{b}$ it seems ...
Felipe S's user avatar
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How can I describe, in QFT, Weyl spinors coupled to a strong version of the gluon gauge field?

Let's assume a massless Weyl-spinor field. My aim is to let them interact by a gluon-like gauge-field, which has a bigger much bigger coupling, color charge, than the standard color interaction. This ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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Why there is no such a thing as colour moment?

I was busy google about different types of electric and magnetic dipole moment then a thought suddenly striked me, why there is no colour multipole moment?
user6760's user avatar
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How would an interaction with a single charge, and a charged weightless carrying particle behave?

We learnt about, among the other three fundamental interactions, the strong interaction. The particles that are affected by it are those with color-charge. It's carrying particles, gluons, have a ...
Neinstein's user avatar
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Can indistinguishable particle wavefunctions be written as a product of total observable eigenstates?

Consider the wavefunction of say two electrons in an external potential, associated with two possible states $\phi_a$ and $\phi_b$. Furthermore, each electron can have two spin states $\chi_1$ and $\...
user2224350's user avatar